Some Thoughts to Live By
We have to face ourselves and use what happens to us to become whom we were always called to be. By choosing to allow negative things in life to stop us, we are not only hurting ourselves but also those whose lives we are supposed to help based on what we experience

When you remember who God is in the dark times of life, it will also help you to remember who you are and Whose you are.

It’s true, the company you keep dictates your success. Spend time with people who your aspirational future self would spend time with.

Choose to become all that you were created to be.

People may give up on you, but don’t you ever give up on yourself. EVER.

Decide that you are going to keep believing in yourself and in your dreams – even if at that moment, you are the only one who does.

Your belief in yourself can far outweigh any negativity you face.

I do recommend that you seriously start risking it all [meaning risk going after your dreams], to gain it all... [to gain living the life you've always imagined for yourself.]

No one can *do* you. Since that's the case, only you can use the gifts and talents to create an impact in the world that only you were meant to create.

If we choose to not pursue our passions and our dreams, then we are only depriving other generations from also seeing and believing that their dreams are possible, too.

We only have one life to give the world everything we've got.

It is our duty, right, and responsibility to not only carve out everything that is holding us back from becoming who it is that we are called to be, but also to use these carvings to reach our greatest selves, aka "our masterpiece.

Most people settle for less. And many of those same people will also convince you to settle for less.

In agreement with the author Richard Bach, “You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.”